Peace United Church of Christ
El Paso Protestant Progressive Worship Services
A congregation that is open and affirming, diverse, multi-ethnic,multicultural
All about us…
we covenant together as a diverse community of hope, faith, and love.
Our mission is to:
teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ;
provide services for the worship of God;
encourage spiritual growth;
celebrate the Sacraments;
enjoy Christian fellowship
provide loving service to all people.
We dedicate ourselves to seek justice, to love mercy, and to walk in peace with all people.
Where differences come together
Mission Statement
We as people of faith are seeking God’s will and mission.
We as an open and affirming congregation welcome followers of Christ accepting each person’s unique gifts.
We believe that God is still speaking
Believing is caring, Caring is doing.
Peace UCC Ministries
Peace United Church of Christ
Growing spiritually
Accepting of all
Uniting in our diversity
Following God’s words
Peace UCC is an open and affirming Congregation. We believe that all people are children of God. We recognize the diversity of human nature as part of God’s universal plan and affirm all families and relationships founded in love, respect, responsibility, and trust, that persons of all ages, ethnicity, abilities, sexual orientation are part of our increasing diverse culture. We welcome all persons into full life and ministry of this Church.